Tuesday, October 11

in the last month or so...

  • my team lost to the godforsaken ravens >__<
  • baby bro left for kosovo. he's gonna fix helicopters and shit for the army - that's jiggy
  • picked up a new word to describe cool things: jiggy
  • moved back home with this lady (ughhhhhhh spanish fooooooood)
  • celebrated my michael jordan birthday with my bff who ALSO celebrated her mj bday, on the same day i might add, and we looked classy and shit
  • my team lost again =/
  • frikkin steve jobs died :(
  • and i went halloween shopping and took shots of cafe patron with the first chichisays reader ever and dont remember how i scraped my elbow

what'd youuuuuuuuu do this past month B?

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