Wednesday, October 12

bet hip hop awards aired last night...

...and i didn't even need to watch thanks to twitter
(or i didn't watch cuz my parents won't get cable *puts head down*)
blah blah this person didn't show up, blah blah this person won, i don't care!

this is what i care about: the cyphersssssss
(finally a wesbite with all of them in a row like that - i'm picky)
for you office people, like me, kill some time at work and watch them.
some goooooooood ish papa. i listened to that french guy like 3 times LoL

oh! 3 things that i saw in these videos and really bothered me:
  • when you wear more than one chain
  • when you wear a tight ass shirt with baggy ass jeans
  • wearing a silk, short sleeved, button down?

k, outties puto :*

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