Wednesday, July 27

you wanna see a show? this is a show...

more promo!!!
now i don't know if any of you know what fringeNYC is, but it's a multi-arts festival that has over 200 companies from alllll over the place performing for 16 days in more than 20 venues all over the city.
i'd like to say that my cuzo in law (awwww) got the AMAZING opportunity to perform his one man show which also just so happens to be amazing!
i really think y'all should go see this. i laughed, i teared up, i clapped my hand over my mouth and went *gasp*! it was dope and i'm dragging my closest sucios with me to watch.

here's the trailer for the play (plot follows):

devin, in search of the camera containing the memories of his recent honeymoon, enters the lost and found.
during the search, he finds himself drawn to certain objects in the room and as he comes in contact with them he is transformed into the personas of their previous owners. through these "trips" shall we say, he experiences the incredibly powerful, and sometimes hilarious, life-altering moments that shaped their lives...

want more? here's some links for you to have fun with:

Tuesday, July 26

this. is. sex.

i thought i was going to hate this cover when i first heard about it, mostly because it irks me when people do covers right after someone kicks rocks. but also because i LOVVVVVE amy winehouse and didn't want the song ruined...
but i listened anyway!
and i must say - it's amazeballs.
sublime with rome frontman, rome ramirez recorded a cover of "rehab" and posted it on the band's facebook page with this message: "i recorded this tribute for amy winehouse after i heard the news of her passing. she is a huge inspiration to my music. we miss you amy."
i love it. and you should too. and if you don't? well then you're just stupid and ugly.


"only be yourself, cuz everybody else is taken..."

here we go...
boogie v was raised in the boogie down bronx (see what i did there?) -among other places- by his mother: a woman he describes as a fighter who never gives up and his father: a music teacher who "granted him the insight of sound".
the 22 year old signed with building 11 music in 2010, and is busy working on his current project with up and coming producers like stain, sauce, and us boys production, and multi-platinum producer chink santana.
see, i like people who are inspired by a bunch of different sounds, i think it makes for MUCH better music, and boogie v is one of those artists: inspired by the lyricism of jay z and eminem, but also the always dope daft punk, tears for fears (everyone knows that "shout" song right?), and phil collins. pshhh, i fucks with that...
here's his freestyle posted by vlad tv (youtube that ish) - you may proceed with judgement:

oh! side note: the post title? taken from "all flies by". go listen!

want more? here's some links for you to have fun with:
  • follow him on twitter: @boogiev
  • listen to his music on soundcloud
  • check out his interview with thisis50
  • and duh, who doesn't love tumblr

S/O to @uptownrico for the bio help

Thursday, July 21

"it makes it easierrrr to bear..."

so "otis" off jay-z and kanye's joint album watch the throne was released and i guess i like it...
i mean i love anything kanye does, but maybe i need to listen a few more times to settle.

you decide, listen here...

Wednesday, July 20

the office pranks continue...

as you may already know (and if you dont, read this: history) we are some immature ass nuggets where i work and we like to do stupid shit to each other's cubicles...
well i vowed to have something pretty for my cubicle neighbor to return to when he got back from vacation and i delivered!

bubble wrapped almost everything on his desk and decorated his chair...
and then bubble wrapped the entire cubicle!
he was so happy, took pictures and everything...

OBVI, he had to get me back so him and the sucia who i thought was my partner in crime (she decorated the chair) decide to put vaseline on my phone and then call me! ew assholes...


support local artists...

so after posting that video you see down there like 3 posts ago (it's a beautiful world we live in) i figured i should post more videos and songs and links and blah blah blah of local artists i'm feelin' and shit...
more specifically artists who are friends of friends or have worked with a friend *cheesy smile*

ANYWAY, here we have an artist who has worked with my homie @Jahir_Vargas (links all over this bitch for the guy) and i finally got to hear a complete song of his this morning.

you should probably watch this - song's dope.

want more? here's some links for you to have fun with:

Friday, July 15

my childhood literally died...

i read the first harry potter book when i was about 12 and i can not believe the series is over...

- before you keep reading THERE ARE spoiler alerts dude -

i HAD to go to the midnight release (paying for it now tho *yawn*) and show my support one last time... to say the least the film was EPIC. tears flowed hear and there: fred all dead and shit on the ground, lupin and nymphadora, whyyyyyyyyy?!
but i laughed too. biggest cheer came when momma weasley was all "not my daughter you BITCH!" to bellatrix and killed that hoe. that was awesome. and neville?! what a G!
one complaint i do have is the way they killed voldemort... i felt like it was kind of unclimactic, no? i mean i just felt it should have been bigger - this is the death of voldemort, the death of harry's pain and suffering and he just crumbles and flies away? whateva...

so OBVI i'm gonna go watch this again. i'm not ready to let go... probably gonna read all 7 books again too.

Thursday, July 14

history of the office pranks...

am i the only person obsessed with party rock? i think not!
so like i say "every day i'm shufflin'" at least 46 times between 8am and 5pm and while my cubicle neighbor loves the song, he hates that i get it stuck inside his head every day...
soooooo naturally i do it more often, OBVI, and i felt like singing it wasn't enough:
  • so i did a little redecorating,
  • i go away to lunch and come back to my own cubicle redecorated, fucker...
  • change his wallpaper and he makes me do heavy lifting
  • so i made him a pretty picture


the homie is on vacation this week so myself and a few equally mischevious buddies are plotting something for him to return to on monday... DUH there will be a new post about it, stay tuned!

it's a beautiful world we live in...

so a close friend of mine is a stoopit fresh producer, beat maker, sex to your eardrum creator and he worked on this song i happen to love...
it IS old and i'm a tad late with the post but it's a dope song all around and i gotta rep for my homies right?!
better late than never, so... youtube time:

want more from him and the artist he worked with?
  • follow him on twitter: @jahir_vargas
  • follow the artist: @imshwiggy
  • and check out his blog (if he decides to update it anytime this century!): the mind of jahir vargas
  • oh! and soundcloud duh...

Wednesday, July 13

the end of days...

it will be tomorrow, thursday, at midnight... so i guess friday technically...
point is - harry fuckin potter and the deathly hallows part 2 is premiering tomorrow night and i'm going to the midnight release with a bunch of my faves. and i will cry.

HPATDH part 2 ends the series of 7 books (which i have read at minimum twice), 8 total movies, and answers these questions:
  • who lives, who dies
  • was snape a douche or a G
  • where. are. the horcruxes.
  • will voldemort FINALLY go down
even if you're not a harry potter nerd like me you should still go see this movie. i think it just might be epic.

*big sigh* i cant wait...  don't judge me.

thank you to the supporters...

this post is SOOOOO long overdue it aint even funny boo!

i have to give a massive massive thanks to everyone who joined my cousin's team for the autism walk, to everyone who donated, and even more to those who came out and walked - y'all are the business and i couldn't thank you enough. while we didn't reach our ultimate goal, the point is my cousin had people behind him and someday when he's old enough to understand, it'll mean a lot.

thanks again you effin' rock stars.