Friday, May 6

jesus is hott...

well on some angles...
yes, that is the title for my "judas" video entry because the man who plays him is, well hott.
again on certain angles.

anyway, after much much MUCH anticipation - i finally saw the video to "judas" and i need to share the artwork with the world. for the critics who call it sacrilegious: please stop. it's music, it's art, either appreciate or go that way. for the little monsters like myself: she has done it again.
the woman's a cultural phenomenon.

in the video, directed by gaga herself and my fave choreographer laurieann gibson, we see gaga as mary magdalene, hott jesus (with his motorcycle gang of disciples), and norman reedus (boondock sanits / american gangster) as judas iscariot.

enjoy the story my friends:

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